
Students often believe the obstacles they personally face in college are greater than those of other college students. Workshops provide group settings to help you understand that nearly all students encounter stressors that reduce their confidence and challenge their ability to succeed.
All workshops provide research-supported content through a combination of active learning and group work to build the skills and confidence necessary for your success.
Upcoming Workshops
Game Plan for Graduates - Translate Your Degree into a Fulfilling Career!
Securing the right position after graduation is a numbers game that relies on multiple job searches, applications, and interviews. You need to be strategic and task oriented throughout the process while making the most of applying to jobs in a digital environment. After all, not everyone has a relative or neighbor who can get them an interview with a prospective employer, so Game Plan for Graduates provides targeted marketing techniques to get you to the top of each HR Manager’s list.
Starting Off Right for College-Bound Students
There is a lot more to picking the right college than its national ranking! Starting Off Right helps you identify which schools best fit your personality, aspirations, and learning style while providing you with a set of stress and coping skills to support you through the selection process and beyond. Individual and group activities help you learn how to choose a major, balance your goals with family expectations, and prepare for a successful future in an academic setting that suits your lifestyle.
Parent Prep for Parents of College-Bound Students
​You are likely spending tens of thousands of dollars to send your child to college. Are they ready? Are you ready? Where should they go? How can you best support their learning experience and personal development without hindering their autonomy? From the moment first-year students begin the application process for college they face countless decisions regarding their academics and campus living. There are questions regarding course selection, learning communities, living arrangements, academic societies, Greek life, campus jobs, and health services. Parent Prep provides parents with evidence-based skills to help their college student through a healthy transition to independence and the ability to seek appropriate guidance when necessary.
College Reboot - a Path to Success in College
How many times have you thought, "I am going to be a serious student this year!" only to find yourself pulling an all-nighter prior to the midterm for a class you rarely attended or never understood to begin with? Whether you lack motivation, dislike your major, feel overloaded with responsibilities, or have been struggling to find meaning in your college pursuits, College Reboot can help you identify and address the underlying issues that are holding you back using evidence-based strategies for success.
Jump-Start a Successful College Experience!
College life is simultaneously exhilarating and stressful. First-time students commonly experience confusion choosing classes, difficulty speaking to faculty, homesickness or loneliness, roommate issues, poor eating habits, financial disarray, communicating with parents, partying, and lack of sleep. Having a plan for addressing these issues help to ensure a happy and successful first year. Jump-Start provides you with a variety of evidence-based skills for academic planning, communication, stress and coping using principles of college involvement theory and cognitive restructuring.
Decide Right - Navigating Your College Choice
Whether you are preparing a list of colleges for the application process or already have a stack of acceptance letters to review, don't forget - there is a lot more to picking the right college than its national ranking! Decide Right helps you identify which schools best fit your personality, aspirations, and learning style while providing you with a set of stress and coping skills to support you through the selection process and beyond. Individual and group activities help you learn how to choose a major, balance your goals with family expectations, and prepare for a successful future in an academic setting that suits your lifestyle.